
I hope you will check out my business book or my new series Dust Storm. My business book titled, Integrity, Character, Leadership was released in 2023 and has done very well. This book is also available for audio download.

Rolling Justice Case Five is now available only in my bookstore. It will be available later everywhere. This book was originally written for television. I combined the five episodes and adapted it to a book format for my readers.

I have started a search for a new agent to help me with my library of content. I am looking for a literary or television packaging agent with one of the major agencies looking for polished projects that can be sold quickly. Experience with book to film adaptations is a plus. If this sounds like you, then please reach out to me.

Remember to never give up on your dreams. Today could be your day and this could be your year.


Stay safe,

Glenn P Clinger III


Just Released

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Rolling Justice Mystery Series.

NTSB Mystery Series.

Children’s Books

Business and Chapter Books.